Riad Myra

Cette maison d'hôtes qui bénéficie d'un emplacement idéal à Fès, au cœur de la Médina, à proximité de l'Institut Français, vous accueille dans une atmosphère chaleureuse et conviviale.
Construit au début du XXe siècle, le Riad Myra a été rénové et restauré par les meilleurs artisans de la ville. La splendeur est évidente dans les élégantes chambres et suites merveilleusement décorées. Le style d'architecture Maure , avec un peu de meubles antiques Anglais et des agréments modernes sont parfaitement mélangés. Le riad comporte un grand patio, une terrasse, un hammam ainsi qu'un restaurant et un salon marocain.
Le personnel attentionné vous accueille dans un cadre élégant empreint d'une architecture arabo-andalouse. Tout a été conçu pour offrir confort, bien-être et détente.

samedi 29 juin 2013

Why the Cat kills Rats

Ansa was King of Calabar for fifty years. He had a very faithful cat as a housekeeper, and a rat was his house-boy. The king was an obstinate, headstrong man, but was very fond of the cat, who had been in his store for many years. The rat, who was very poor, fell in love with one of the king's servant girls, but was unable to give her any presents, as he had no money.
At last he thought of the king's store, so in the night-time, being quite small, he had little difficulty, having made a hole in the roof, in getting into the store. He then stole corn and pears, and presented them to his sweetheart.
At the end of the month, when the cat had to render her account of the things in the store to the king, it was found that a lot of corn and pears were missing.
The king was very angry at this, and asked the cat for an explanation. But the cat could not account for the loss, until one of her friends told her that the rat had been stealing the corn and giving it to the girl. When the cat told the king, he called the girl before him and had her beaten. The rat he handed over to the cat to deal with, and dismissed them both from his service. The cat was so angry at this that she killed and ate the rat, and ever since that time whenever a cat sees a rat she kills and eats it.

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