Riad Myra

Cette maison d'hôtes qui bénéficie d'un emplacement idéal à Fès, au cœur de la Médina, à proximité de l'Institut Français, vous accueille dans une atmosphère chaleureuse et conviviale.
Construit au début du XXe siècle, le Riad Myra a été rénové et restauré par les meilleurs artisans de la ville. La splendeur est évidente dans les élégantes chambres et suites merveilleusement décorées. Le style d'architecture Maure , avec un peu de meubles antiques Anglais et des agréments modernes sont parfaitement mélangés. Le riad comporte un grand patio, une terrasse, un hammam ainsi qu'un restaurant et un salon marocain.
Le personnel attentionné vous accueille dans un cadre élégant empreint d'une architecture arabo-andalouse. Tout a été conçu pour offrir confort, bien-être et détente.

jeudi 27 juin 2013

The storing of fresh vegetables

Must be kept cool with slight degrees of moisture. Use either cellar or cave methods. No potato should be more than four ft. from air if stored in barrels, boxes, crates or bins.Potatoes must be dug before the ground is crusted with frost. Frosted potatoes will spoil, one after another. Impossible to sort out frosted potatoes.Require warmth and dryness. In crates or on shelves in warm dry room. Can be spread on the floor in the room above the kitchen where they will have plenty of heat, especially for the first 2 or 3 weeks after they are dug.When the sweet potatoes are dug they should be allowed to lie in the sun and wind for 3 or 4 hours so as to become perfectly dry. They must be well ripened and free from bruises. Can be kept on shelves in a very dry place and they need not be kept specially cold. Sweet potatoes keep best when they are showing just a little inclination to sprout. However, if they start growing the quality is greatly injured.Are best stored in sand in cellars, caves or pits; or in tightly covered boxes or crocks. Must be kept cold and evaporation must be prevented, for otherwise they become wilted.Can remain in the ground until the weather is quite cool; then be pulled, the tops cut off and then stored.May be rooted in earth in a cellar or cave and if watered occasionally will keep fresh until Christmas. The soil, earth or sand, in which the celery is set should be 2 or 3 inches deep. This soil must not be allowed to become dry.Can remain in the ground until the weather is quite cool.Can be wrapped in paper with the outer leaves left on for immediate use and stored in ventilated barrels or large crates in the cellar. But as few cellars are cool enough to keep cabbage in good condition it is more advisable to store it in a long shallow pit in the garden.Is not injured by moderate frost while in the pit but should not be disturbed while frozen. The pit should be long and narrow. Pull the cabbage, stem, root and all, and then laid with heads down about 3 heads in width can be placed in the pit. Cover lightly with soil and as the weather becomes colder add a little more soil until there is a layer 6 or 7 inches thick over the cabbage. Keep the ends of the pit partially open for ventilation until the weather becomes very cold.

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